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John Hartman Light Painting Class Steven's Point

My headshot created in John's studio. Pretty awesome to get your photo taken by John too!!I spent 4 days in Steven's Point, WI this month learning how to light paint using a Harley and Rolls Royce for the large project and our own creation for the small table top project. I will post my finished project as soon as I can.

The one and only John Hartman light painting a Rolls Royce. Was pretty amazing to watch.

This was my table top set up for the small light painting that we created. I'm still working on the editing of the actual pieces of it.

My partner, Simon from Trinidad, for the light painting.

Back of John's Ipad during the light painting of the Harley .

John gave us the files he took to practice on in the classroom.

John was very patient with me which I appreciated!

Friends made!

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